When I was maybe in 4th grade, a kid at my school convinced me that I was a “deprived child” because I didn’t have a tv in my bedroom. I remember pleading with my mom, saying how embarrassed I was. In retrospect, I’m pretty embarrassed for being so shallow. Fortunately, my parent didn’t cave. I’m so lucky that my kids don’t seem at all persuaded by this type of silly peer pressure…at least yet.
I’m sure those “beggar” children are going to be so much stronger for this if they keep their eyes on the prize. The mockers are pitiable though. Hopefully this will be a wake-up call to their parents before they push their kids off a character cliff.
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I still don’t have a TV 📺 in my bedroom lol
South Korea is a pressure cooker: where do you live? What car do you drive? Where do you shop? How many countries have you been? Do you fly first or business class?
I don't either! Never did get one in my bedroom and grateful for it!
That sounds exhausting! I've heard similar things about Thailand, although I've never been there and wouldn't know.