Secure Links are designed to let you share single items more easily, including with people who don’t have a Pass account.
You’re in control: Set a date for the link to expire (anywhere from one hour up to 30 days) or restrict the number of times your recipient can access the link (from one to infinity). When you’re done sharing, just click the Remove link button in your dashboard.
Nice one!
This is bad ass. Time and access limited: 1 hour to 30 days and 1 to unlimited accesses. I like it!
Proton pass is truly an excellent application and a safe and comfortable way to protect our data.
Is it for everyone?
Do stackers know other tools for sharing passwords securely? How do they differ from this one in practice?
I can't think of any other tool at the moment, and find it hard to believe no one had ever thought of building something like this before...
Proton is one of my media ministry's affiliate sponsors. I love the VPN & Mail, but I don't use the Pass. not a fan of it. doesn't work well with my setup.
I started using their Notes
I didn't know they had notes. Where do you find that? guess you learn something new every day. I could actually use that. I hate evernote. They are always giving me so much crap! please tell me more!
Standard Notes. They've recently acquired the company that built it.
Proton is innovative! And they listen to customer feedback