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Been using Ubuntu Budgie as a my daily driver with no major issues, some printing problems once in a while that forces you to reset the printer (remove and and again). Other than that, can't complain. If you build PCs, get your self a decent board and at least 64GB of ram (128GB you will be golden for a while) and sky is the limit, you can run server apps, small development like docker and K8s or KIND. Unless MacMini comes back (in the fall I hear) affordable and tech specs that will beat any CPU on the market, hope fully with lotsa ram, I ain't goin back to macOS, new os will get even more spying through AI baked into the chip (no thank you) . YMMV of course.
Love it, instantly looking for a google pixel phone, not that thrilled the way Apple is integrating “ai“ into their new os releases so was not going to upgrade. The only thing slowing me down is the iPhone 13mini is THE PERFECT PHONE - if only I could load graphene os onto it I’d be a happy lad. Cheers
Thanks for sharing. After being an Apple and Microsoft cuck all my life switching to Linux for my computer needs has been okay. As far as android goes I am still a slave to iPhone but once it’s time to upgrade my phone maybe I’ll leave Apple for good!
It now seems laughable that only a few months ago, I was questioning whether I'd actually be able to switch off the Apple stack and stick to my choice. That's what two decades worth of entrenched habits will do to your belief in change! But not only was it possible, it's been immensely enjoyable. What seemed so difficult at first now appears trivial, since it's been done.
Pretty much describes my move away from Apple. If you are dev and very technical its actually not that hard and in many ways much better.
I agree with what one of my colleagues says in the comments... I always had Android phones... and I said how much they see the iPhone... then on a birthday one of my girlfriends gave me one and since then I have been buying the new model which is coming out... and the truth is at the moment I don't plan to change it and go back to Android or other technology... on my laptop I do use Linux👍
I have mixed it all. Use Windows for my office Laptop, Ubuntu for my personal laptop. iPhone for Personal use and Android for work.
I'm wondering if I can convert my boomer parents to Ubuntu. I think if I can help set up all their favorite apps/websites it will be so much easier for them. The constant pushing of upgrades/adds and the consistent permissioning is unbearable on Windows.
Wow! Amazing post!