It's not happening. In my country I'm buying more with USD over the time. Dollar has always increased against my country's currency. Even in the past 10 years, it increased as much as 40%
That won't last forever, believe me, in Venezuela for example that happened until the national currency imploded, now the dollar is used as currency and every day it buys less ;)
Value is relative
I heard that 60 percent of transactions in Latin America are settled in dollars
In short, the rise of the dollar in Latin America is nothing more than a collapse of national currencies and not a revaluation of the dollar itself.
Yes, there lies the problem, because the dollar did not lose value because it was used to take refuge from national currencies, as only the dollar is used, it will lose its value vs. goods and services, since those who sell services and goods will charge in dollars and will be affected by the high prices of energy, assets and food.