Yeah, this is kind of what I'm talking about. The people that push ESG are also into all sorts of random stuff that you and I are probably into as well. It doesn't mean that stuff is bad. Trying to control everybody and force what they're into is the bad part.
I'm with you on eating meat and animals (and plants too). Of course, insects are animals and when I was in Belize, the Mayans had a fun time showing me how their ancestors had been eating termites (tasted like mint surprisingly) for thousands of years. But yeah, I'm definitely a red meat eater and am against anybody saying we shouldn't do that. I just think it's kind of odd when folks are so vehemently against something that people have been doing since time immemorial.
I'll check out that book. We've been trying to move away from processed/subsidized food in my house for a while. I grew up right in the middle of corn/soy country, so I have a weird affinity for the landscape, but I know objectively that it's so destructive and needs to get cut off.