But what about the existential crisis and danger to democracy that Trump poses?
Don't they need to put the country first and save democracy?
I know you're just being sarcastic, but I am getting really tired of hearing about how everything is an existential crisis. Seems like everything is an existential crisis these days.
Trump wins? End of democracy. Didn't respect someone's pronouns? Denied their existence. Any unusual weather? Civilization ending climate disaster.
It's getting extremely tiresome. And it's stifling any real debate or progress. Worse, it gives cover to malicious actors who are just fleecing the public in the name of fighting theses supposedly existential crises
Yes, I was most certainly being sarcastic and mocking the way politicians and media talk.
And it's stifling any real debate or progress.
I believe that's the point.
🎯 💯