This link was posted by charles_f 3 hours ago on HN. It received 106 points and 49 comments.
Logseq is a great opensource tool for that
It's more than that for me. Has Richard Feynman says:
Notes aren’t a record of my thinking process. They are my thinking process.
I can not work if I don't start a work journal
Works for me too. As I work, I constantly write down what I'm doing in my vimwiki. Like a simplified version of the Obsidian tool.
Going back to those notes now, as I finished lunch and want to pick up where I left off.
All journaling for me happens in my physical moleskin journal!
I think my problem isn’t so much about forgetting what I need to do. My challenge is to ease into flow state as soon as possible. I find that sometimes it takes a long time for my engine to get started even though I plonk myself in front of my laptop n no disruptions