Back again.... (and not in the backstreet boys "everybody" kinda way) rather a eminem - Without me - Kinda way....
Ah shit...
I am not sure who needs to read this but I am going to keep posting about someone should develop this shit into an app already - I really want to use this - and I have zero - 0.00000000 - kind of experience in anything...but I do have a buddy with a little more experience starting the process...but he isn't a bitcoiner so its going to take us a while....any help would be appreciated :)
The good stuff -
We are almost all guilty of having a dirty filthy FIAT mindset cuz....well we have been living in that type of system for fucks sake ever.... so it isn't a real stretch for me to imagine that we want to offer people discounts if they pay us for our shit in Bitcoin....but fuck...(all that says to me is that you are charging too much for the whatever the fuck widget - in the first place....????) - look at it like this....if I pay you $100.00 for something in FIAT - you get it all...minus maybe a some small fee when you convert it to BTC....what a dollar or two....vs you giving me a 10% discount if I pay you in BTC? - it doesn't make sense - it tells me that you are still making a profit on me (or squeezing more juice from me) than the product is tells me that you are still making a profit at the BTC reduced price to make it worth your while and you could be simply charging me less for FIAT as now I am questioning your motive in offering the discount for BTC ???
Maybe you want the non-kyc BTC....well it seems to me that you could be chargin even less for my precious BTC? Or maybe you really want to save the Credit Card fees....well that only 3-5% maybe? So why are you offering a bigger discount? or as someone likes to say...i am just charging you more for paying in FIAT and making me have to do more work.... I say whatever... I am still questioning your motives and walking away from the transaction feeling like I overpaid either way....and I frankly will likely pay you in FIAT since 99% of the fucking world still operates in that System.....
Wouldn't you rather charge the same price to everyone....but incentivize the BTC payers with share of the price appreciation of the bitcoin they paid you? Doesn't this seemt to be more in line with the ethos of Bitcoin....when the network succeeds by growing the users - we all succeed!!!
And - a more likely second order effect of offering a share of future price appreciation of bitcoin helps drive those using it as a medium of exchange, to watch it, and learn more about it....especially as their share increases in value....especially if it doubles or triples due to the ever to come god candle :)
Not only that - but I as a payer in either BTC or FIAT feel like I paid a fair price....and am more likely to not leave the transaction thinking "oh those bitcoiners stick together and give each other discounts but someone like my grandma who doesn't want anything to do with BTC walks aways thinking she got charged more because she isn't a part of the club??"
I don't know - I guess its just me - but I don't want anyone who doesn't use BTC to think they are getting screwed by coming to a conference and getting charged more to pay with the only fucking thing they know....
C'mon - we are better than this - we are building out a network to fix the shit built on the FIAT rails and we don't have to be greedy, profit driven pukes.... we can share the price appreciation with our customers and they will hopefully become part of our tribe.
I hate leaving on a downer kind of thought....and that last thought is a bit depressing - so just know that I am using this idea - it is working will continue working well for me - and I wish you all figure out how to make it work well for you