Since you're on a Mac (I assume from SelfControl), Alfred's indispensable for me.
Wow, this tool is crazy... had to grant it quite a few permissions, but looks immensaly powerful. Did you customize it for personal workflows? Did you go for the powerpack?
EDIT: kinda looks look 10x-spotlight
Yeah, I sprung for the Powerpack, and create my own workflows with it (and also use ones others create). Super-Spotlight is a good starting point for describing it (though I think it offers a ton more).
Is there a Windows version? Don’t ask why I use Windows like it’s 1994
I remember when Google Desktop came out. Spotlight search for Windows!
Alfred doesn't have a Windows version. Not sure if anyone else has come up with something similar. I haven't used a Windows machine in a long time, so I'm not up on the software scene.