I was curious what tools and resources do you use to continually sharpen the saw when it comes to learning about different aspects of Bitcoin, finance, and economics? I know many people here leverage the Mises Institute from the economics side, and when it comes to lightning or advanced bitcoin core topics many people seem to see a lot of stuff.
What resources or tools do you use to enhance your knowledge of Bitcoin? The tool that I recently found is Yzer. I think this platform is a huge benefit to the ecosystem and It helps casual people in a Duolingo-type fashion. This is my favorite one I've seen by far.
Are there any website/learning-based platforms you would recommend to someone starting, intermediate or highly advanced? I honestly learned a lot from some books, hanging out at meetups, seeing things first hand, and podcasts/Bitcoin Twitter. Education is key to more adoption/understanding!
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bitcoin.rocks is good. You can also learn a lot right here on SN.
Will check it out! Yea the past 40 days I have definitely learned a lot.
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