Well played, America! When it comes to deriving economic potential from geopolitical power, the USA has been a force to be reckoned with for so long. The only tragic thing is that formerly successful locations such as Germany are now burdened with such high energy costs that they are blowing up their own pipeline out of sheer frustration, hahaha. By the way, it's also interesting that Russia was able to maintain its position despite the embargo. https://m.stacker.news/39541
No surprise, the United States still maintains its great economy and power.
did not know about Malaysia
what about Norway?
norway recently discontinued most of its lng grid connection to germany. i wonder who exerted the pressure??
but EU depends on Norway for natural gas?
13 sats \ 1 reply \ @TomK OP 13 Jul
It's part of the mix, yes. There is a pipeline Europipe I
Nord Stream 2 lol