What sphinx of hash trees and blocks bashed open its skull and unleashed its ideas and models?
Immutable ledgers! Uncountable transactions! Lost fiat and unowned dollars! Men screaming on telegram! Suburban shitcoiners sobbing in armies! Old men falling to scams!
Bitcoin whose mind is churning turbines! Bitcoin whose power runs money! Bitcoin whose mouth is one millions tweets! Bitcoin whose soul is electricity without banks! Bitcoin whose fate is against state armies and knowing customers! Bitcoin whose ASICs hum and whir in the winter!
Bitcoin in whom we are a bank without a body! Bitcoin who frightens governments out of natural ecstasy! Bitcoin who I abandon! Wake up in Bitcoin, light streaming out of the sky!
They broke their backs lifting Bitcoin to Heaven! BIPs, nodes, blockversions and no-ops! Lifting the brain to Heaven which exists and is everywhere about us! Forks, ticks, futures, and taproots!
Visions! Omens! Dreams! Promises! Boatloads of wealth, down on the rocks of time.