Shooter was approximately 125m away from Trump:
Not an impossible shot. But not an easy one either.
Trained marksman would take a center of mass shot at this range to avoid the possibility of missing. Headshots are for Hollywood movies or in situations where a center of mass shot isn't possible. You simply have more mass to hit. 
This likely wasn't a trained marksman. 
Source: Ex US Army sniper (me)
Your assuming he had a clear shot to center of mass. For starters, likely that Trump was wearing a good vest. And I'm sure they put bulletproof plates in his podium.
38 sats \ 5 replies \ @OT 14 Jul
How did he manage to get up there with Secret service right there?
Why wasn't this the roof where the secret service or Trumps bodyguards where stationed to protect Trump from a shooter?
18 sats \ 3 replies \ @OT 14 Jul
It was outside of the boundary wasn't it? Still should have been an obvious place to secure.
Shooter was only 400 feet away. Not much bigger than a football field.
standard procedure to secure high places even 1 mile away
13 sats \ 0 replies \ @OT 14 Jul
Its pretty early and more info might come to light, but I wouldn't want to jump to any "inside job" theories yet. Maybe they just did a bad job or it could just be complacency after week in week out rallies. Also, the shooter must have known very well that this would be a suicide mission. He would have known that he would be shot.
That’s a nothing shot for a rifleman…beyond easy if you have any competence. My kids shoot prarie dogs at 400m and rarely miss unless it’s windy. This is probably some rando the CIA handed a rifle to.
We have both people in this thread saying this is a tricky distance and people saying this is an easy distance.
Considering that everyone on the internet claims to have a 10 inch penis I suspect which side is right here
Well, considering this dude was using a rifle, and IHMSA (handgun silhouette) matches routinely shoot to 200m, (and there are even 500m matches, handgun)…a very good handgun shooter could have made this shot…
With a rifle, I could teach anyone with an pulse to make a 120m shot in an hour on the range.
It's much harder to pull this off when you know this is the last thing you will probably ever do. I'm sure the shooter knew he was likely to die in the process.
Moving target is difficult
Did the kid aim for the head because Trump was wearing a vest?
He may not have had a clear line to sight to anything but Trump's head too.
I'm sure your kids have a lot of practice and are in fact pretty good marksmen.
Point is a rando couldn't just pick up a gun without prior experience and make that shot. And of course, whoever did it missed...
Touche, that explains the bad shot, it seems Secret Service guys are better shooters...
reply Seems like they had to shoot through the bleachers as well.
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