Division of campus and community engagement or DCCE
This is the department that was dismantled
From the editorial; Reframe the narrative about DEI in higher education
I want the public especially conservatives to know that DEI is critical for academic success.
From an insider’s perspective, I can tell you that our programs effectively counteracted these insidious obstacles and kept students on track. Sadly, you won’t get to read the countless student success stories and “Where Are They Now?” alumni profiles since our sites have been taken down, but I can tell you that the DCCE turned lives around and inspired students to pursue graduate school in fields like medicine, STEM and law—all critical jobs that benefit our society
If you subscribe to the “Didn’t Earn It” belief, please know that DEI programs are not taking anything away from other students. How could a College-to-Career program for low-income students eliminate opportunities for more affluent students who have their pick of many similar programs across the university? —————————————-
She is trying to redefine DEI as a lower class program which is a lie
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