I don't know man, the guy was an inch from being dead or very seriously injured, the guy behind him is dead. To plan a "play" like that would be a little far fetched in my book. This is ain't Smollett's performance, just saying....
Yeah, you're right. The people in power would never kill someone. So far fetched.
Shooter would be paid to miss or shoot someone else most likely a trained sniper
The first episode of Monk has this scenario
Way the dog is the new pathetic attempt at changing the narrative
If by "new" you mean a movie from 1997 which describes a very real phenomenon that was already endemic to the system by the time the movie was made, then yeah, super "new"...
I'm saying that the shooting was not staged
Didn't say it was. And "wag the dog" is about creating a narrative, not only for the purpose of distraction.
It's for control. The tail controls the dog. Distracting from political scandal is only one possible use.
To “wag the dog” means to distract attention away from a political scandal, often through military action