What a huge swing in outcomes. We just dodged an all out civil war by half an inch. Thank God!
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I really don't think USA is nowhere near a civil war. The vast majority of people is apolitical and will refuse any violence. The violent groups that could arise already exists, like Antifa, and are a microscopic minority, alive only due to serving as the shook troops of the socialists in power. It will end as soon as they are removed from power, for the inflow of money from public funds will dwindle.
Fortunately, we didn't learn how close we are.
Tens of millions of Americans think the election was stolen from them last time. If their candidate were killed this time, while ahead in the polls, it would get really ugly.
Those are the Americans who actually own and know how to use deadly weapons, btw. The Antifa leftists are mostly just LARP'ing at being violent revolutionaries.
The real mess would occur if the army itself divides. The socialists use violence of small groups indirectly, they are not a force in themselves, and those groups are too small to face armed citizens that will just defend themselves. In that case the army will have a pacifying role with which the majority will agree, thus avoiding a bigger scale conflict. The social atmosphere would get unbearably tense, that's for sure, but at that point mass immigration is the most probable outcome.