Today, the wars between Russia-Ukraine/NATO/US, Israel/US-Hamas/Hezbollah/Iran, and the China-Taiwan/U.S. dispute are regional conflicts that if not limited and resolved may expand into a global conflict among nuclear powers--a Third World War, which, to paraphrase George Kennan, would be a catastrophe from which there would be no recovery and no return. Yet, the United States under the Biden administration seems intent on continuing and escalating its involvement in Ukraine, even as it sends mixed signals about our intentions in the Middle East and the western Pacific.
What do you say?
Do you believe that all these regional conflicts/wars may turn global?
Big Question: Who's responsible?
I don't think that World war III is on the platter right now. Instead I believe that it's just a propoganda established by Russia and America who are creating a world full of fear only to strengthen their war economies.
I have thought about it many times but the question is not whether a third world war will start? The question is who it will benefit and we are aware that what it will bring is death and destruction.
Bankers, always the bankers...and the WEF and all the depopulation crowd
I agree. Noone can benefit from it.
"Yet, the United States under the Biden administration seems intent on continuing and escalating its involvement in Ukraine"
I would say that Russia under Putin administration is having intent to keeping on escalating the conflict LOL.
Listen, this engaging/engaging back part of conflict is simple prisoners dilemma from game theory part of mathematics. And unfortunately if other side keeps defecting, the only optimal strategy is to also defect in prisonners dillema.
No they won't. Stop confusing the most pessimistic prediction with the most likely prediction
I think the sides have started to take their posts on what World War Three would look like. We have the eastern European front, the Israeli front, and the Taiwan front. This is pretty much enough to be in a "world at war"