I sense a lot by what YouTube shows, despite the critics, it's a good trend indicator. It's only this year that I have seen the appearance of the first group of USA young comedians with explicit anti-woke themes, mocking its ridiculousness AND being really successful in the process. I have seen the anti-woke trend since it started, but it wasn't a movement of the youth, that's making it's first baby steps now. Trump has now the biggest responsibility on the destiny of the country since Lincoln.
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I'd say the start of that trend, though, is the loss of popularity of woke comedians, which has been going on for several years.
I have seen others dropping the subject completely, leaving the field open to change, as it's happening now. And now you have MrBeast looking to be president and Logan Paul giving explicit support to Trump. That's the new generation of leaders the USA needs, that's the future right there. Thank good for this kids, they will start the chain effect