So I nuked my setup. I was trying to run a bare metal node, but I didn't have much confidence in the stability of the setup. So I switched back to umbrel. They've added a ton of apps since I used it last.
I think it's really cool that you can run an archive node for podcasts on umbrel with IPFS Podcasting.
I would really like to be able to the same thing, but with YouTube. I use Tartube on desktop, but r/DataHoarders suggests TubeArchivist. Although it's not crowdhosted like IPFS Podcasting is.
Another app I would like to see is either Hummingbot or FreqTrade. There's already degenerate trading apps on umbrel, might as well go full automated trading.
What other apps do you think are missing from the umbrel app store?
I think a self-hosted Stacker News on Umbrel would be really cool.
Also, would love to see more reliable photo/data storage apps. A painless tool that could backup all my phone/laptop data and photos in a single click would be clutch.
There is a photo sharing app on Umbrel right now, but the UI/UX needs a lot of work.
Nextcloud works well for backing up photos/documents. I have it setup to backup all the photos from my phone's SD card when I plug it in to charge.
Haven't figured out how to connect it to PhotoPrism yet, but backup is solved IMO.
lmk if you need help with yours.
will try nextcloud, thanks. photoprism is too slow/difficult for me to use right now, hopefully they continue iterating on it.
stacker news, arcade city, damus, additional wallets, bisq just to name a few
I don't install apps on Umbrel anymore, its just my dedicated Bitcoin and Lightning node now. But I do have a couple ideas from a separate docker server I spun up:
  • Tandoor - A recipe and meal planner web app
  • Nitter - A Twitter frontend
  • Invidious - A Youtube frontend that can do subscriptions, downloads, etc. without a Google account
WordPress. Umbrel already has a ton of payment features, but it's lacking a storefront. There are so many WordPress plugins that integrate with BTCPayServer or LNBits, why not add it to the node as well?
Standard Notes
Robosats would be my pick, along with Magma
TunnelSats VPN!
I don’t think more apps is what Umbrel really needs. Why people want to run their cloud storage app on the same hardware as their Bitcoin and Lightning node is puzzling to me. A lot of the web apps available on Umbrel are really complex pieces of software. Vulnerabilities in something like Nextcloud is almost guaranteed to exist and a compromise there could jeopardize your sats. Just saying.
You can of course just run a version of Umbrel on a different system without installing the Bitcoin + Lightning node apps though if all you want is a front end for docker.
Can't you use whirlpool on a phone/desktop in conjunction with mydojo on umbrel?
I really would first need widespread adoption. So many applications already exist that are very limited by the bottleneck of number of users
The open source bolt card application
Pretty sure that's available via LNbits, no?
You can do withdrawal links but the bolt card application rotates the address so they can't be reused.
I really just want the self-hosted bitwarden to be clearer how to use. I've spent a lot of time futzing with it, to no useful result. just looking for either clearer/current instructions on how to use it with desktop and mobile or an update that makes it easier/possible to use.
I should also add that I am currently running umbrel on two raspi's, one for bitcoin core node and a small number of related services like lightning node,, etc, and the other is for all the random stuff like gitea, nextcloud, etc.
Do you use a raspberry pie for your Umbrel?
When I first installed it, yea.
But now I use a laptop with ubuntu server installed. Way sleeker. Having a battery is underrated.