That is definitely scary and kind of a misconception in the community
If all that you're missing is the script type, there's few enough of them to just guess.
If you're missing the derivation path, you can either remember what wallet you generated from or brute force the defaults list:
But multi-sig is where it gets tricky because the xpubs can't spend your funds, but they can dox your stack. So you can make it more available (upload it to a cloud storage provider) with the risk being that the company you upload it to, or a hacker who may or may not leak the info, will dox all your Bitcoin in all your addresses (knowledge that the addresses all belong to one person), but they still can't spend from it.
You can trade off an xpub's confidentiality for more availability (the security triad)
Its just neat to be able to have it all stamped into a plate. Then, even if you didn't know you needed all that other stuff, you still have it.