“That chart that I was going over saved my life,” he told his former White House doctor, Rep. Ronny Jackson, referring to an immigration statistics chart he pointed to just as shots rang out at his rally in Butler County, PA.
Dr. Jackson recounted Trump saying, “If I hadn’t pointed at that chart and turned my head to look at it, that bullet would have hit me right in the head.”
Who would've thought a chart could play such a role in history.
I don’t want to think of the ramifications if he hadn’t turned.
My kid asked me what would have happened if the shooter didn't miss. Thinking about how to answer that question made me pause and shudder
That’s tough. How did you respond if you don’t mind sharing?
This was outside so I didn't have a lot of time to think. I just started saying, "If Trump had died, things would have gotten really bad..." Then I kinda just trailed off because my mind was racing about all the possibilities of how people would react. So in the end, I didn't really give an answer other than, "It'd be bad." Thankfully, my kids didn't push the issue because i'm not really sure what more I could have said.
Difficult to know what to say.
kids know what's going even if they can't describe it clearly
20 sats \ 0 replies \ @Fabs 15 Jul
"Bad" as in "Armed conflict between supporters of the Reps and Dems"?
The ramifications would probably be that the Republicans would pick a better candidate than Trump and still win. And left wing people would triple down on claims this was a conspiracy theory.
A violent counter response
That’s an optimistic view.
Too optimistic
Path of one bullet
It is amazing to see as a multitude of events from many different angles converge at the same moment. that moment that saves the life of a person of great importance and relevance to the world.
Crazy how things just happen to work out. Makes me think of the time Teddy Roosevelt survived being shot.
Schrank's bullet lodged in Roosevelt's chest after penetrating Roosevelt's steel eyeglass case and passing through a 50 page thick (single-folded) copy of his speech titled "Progressive Cause Greater Than Any Individual", which he was carrying in his jacket pocket. Schrank was immediately disarmed and captured; he might have been lynched had Roosevelt not shouted for Schrank to remain unharmed. Roosevelt assured the crowd he was all right, then ordered police to take charge of Schrank and to make sure no violence was done to him.
German immigrant Born in Bavaria
It was many factors that saved him. The people raising the alarm near the shooter, who rushed the shot, also probably saved Trump. If he had gone undetected and/or been more experienced, Trump would have been a dead duck.
Hmmm. Anyone smell something fowl?
Always, blatant incompetence or conspiracy it's always the game played by the state. Don't get your hopes up for a thorough investigation and report of the event we are still waiting the ones from JFK assassination or 9/11
The truth is that what happened with candidate Trump is worrying... and the truth is that it seems funny but he was saved by the immigrants' graph 🤭... It is a signal for his thinking that if he wins the presidential election, he will change his position. towards the people who go and fight in their country in a power like the United States... people say that there are bad guys who only come to that country to harm... But the truth is the good ones are many more!!💪hopefully in the future there is more tolerance and let's be a different world 👍
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