I saw Trump rising up and then I saw attempt on his life uh that this bullet flew by his ear and it came so close to his head that it busted his drum eardrum and I saw um he was he fell to his knees during this time frame
Sadly we have to trust the video hasn't been altered after the fact because they aren't using opentimestamps but trippy nonetheless. (And obviously all the normal hullabaloo about selection/confirmation bias.)
There are other claimed predictions from remote viewers but this one at least has a platform provided timestamp.
I don't think the attempt was hard to predict. Miss details? That's different.
True, assassination attempts leading up to a heated election are way more probable. The ear prediction trips me out though as does the remote viewer's drawing.
That sent me down a rabbit hole to a Nebraska pedo ring. I don't need this in my life. 😢
Many times such only come out after the actual incident. Whether the claim was real or not, a prediction serves its purpose best, when given and known before the incident occurs, unless it was given but ignored.
How many times have we heard about a storm or extreme weather event that could have been better prepared for if the warnings were, given way before the incident occurred, or given and not ignored.
The same goes for other types of predictions.
If he hadn't turned, the bullet would've hit his head. Instead, it killed the man behind him. The big question is why police ignored the bystanders telling them a man was the roof with a rifle. Why was the roof unprotected when it was a straight line to the podium
That’s pretty wild.
On the remote viewer predictions in #607963, they recorded it 3 months ago when (again) trusting youtube's timestamps: