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Depending on the country you live in you may already have a CBDC, may be starting to hear rumblings about one or are lucky enough to have a government that respects your privacy and autonomy.
New Zealand, along with Australia is often the Guinea pig for these new age ideas - they are also countries that has been captured (both media and government alike) by the unelected leaders - WEF, WHO , global elite, however you want to call it are in the beginning stages. They want Socialism under the guise of Democracy. They look in envy at how much surveillance and control the Chinese Government has over its people, and want that for themselves.
So far they have laid out a road map for release, talking about cbdcs in school, and the consultation with the public relies on catered/leading multi choice questions that don’t allow for full reflection of the public’s concerns. They’ve even started adverts on instagram (attached below from the nz bitcoiners telegram).
Well I am concerned. I’m concerned that what little autonomy and privacy we have left will be eroded. I’m concerned that once on digital money the rules can change at any moment, on a whim. I’m concerned most of all that the vast majority of the public don’t care and are sleepwalking into an Orwellian nightmare. Under the guise of “convenience” they readily give up their freedoms. I know I’m preaching to the Bitcoin choir : part of the appeal of Bitcoin is uncensored , unstoppable money.
Would appreciate hearing your thoughts below: -What is your experience of it? -Are there ways to avoid succumbing (for as long as possible) to this cancerous technology ? -What advice would you give to those who live in a place where this is incoming? -Am I in such a privileged position that I can’t see the forest for the trees?
For those that aren’t up to date or want to learn more about the happenings of a CBDC “coming to a western country near you” I highly recommend this article by J.R. Bruning On the Edge of the Programmable Ledger: CBDCs ⋆ Brownstone Institute https://brownstone.org/articles/on-the-edge-of-the-programmable-ledger-cbdcs/
And this podcast by Leighton Smith interviewing the same J.R. Bruning The Leighton Smith Podcast: Sociologist Jodie Bruning on the democratic risks of Digital ID’s and Central Bank Digital Currencies https://www.newstalkzb.co.nz/podcasts/the-leighton-smith-podcast/leighton-smith-podcast-244-june-19th-2024-jodie-bruning/
Meh. There's nothing CBDCs can do that existing payments cards/app don't already do. Easy to opt out, just use Bitcoin and/or cash. You still have a bank account? That's on you friend!
If there’s nothing cbdcs can do that the existing system can’t, then why build it out? Cbdc can do lots more, they are putting smart contracts into this NZ system, programmable money. Only need to look at countries that have it implemented it to see the ramifications of it.
Easy to opt out as long as there is people accepting it!
CBDC will enable unelected technocrats to dictate how, when, where, on what and by whom it can be spent, including the imposition of social credit, carbon allowance and vaccine passport systems.
Megalomaniacs technocrats have every intention of gradually phasing out cash altogether.
What are CBDCs? A copy of already established digital fiat payment method. No other use case and that's why it's a failure. Here in India nobody's even talking about it. Government tried to popularise it but in development they have wasted people's money. It's nothing but a failure propoganda.
Interesting quote from Sovereign Individual :
“But wait. You may be saying that in most jurisdictions there are many more voters than there are persons on the government payroll. How could it be possible for employees to dominate under such conditions? The welfare state emerged to answer exactly this quandary. Since there were not otherwise enough employees to create a working majority, increasing numbers of voters were effectively put on the payroll to receive transfer payments of all kinds. In effect, the recipients of transfer payments and subsidies became pseudo employees of government who were able to dispense with the bother of reporting every day to work. It was a result dictated by the megapolitical logic of the industrial age.”
This was understood in 1997
What gives me hope is what recently happened in Nigeria! The government rolled out a CBDC and it was not received well at all - in fact it failed.
I think many countries will face the same situation that happened as Nigeria with one caveat - stimmies being attached to the CBDC. I think this will be the trojan horse for the masses to get into CBDCs is through a stimmy check.
People will do everything for a quick buck, the problem is once they get that and cash is phased out, then they are in a bad place for perpetuity.
Exactly how I see it, the welfare state is how they get everyone on it. Found an interesting statistic on NZ the other day, at least 50% of the population is on a form of stimmie!
Austrian economics and bitcoin gives us hope for a better future. The thing about CBDC and the entire fiat systems is that everything will eventually, with time, turn into sand. No stone will be left unturn, because everything was built upon lies and deception. Just be ready for the inevitable collapse of the fiat system that is currently happening, and will continue until everything completely becomes obsolete. It's going to be rough but, thank God for Bitcoin.