I'm concerned about Taro which is attacking Bitcoin by
  1. issuing assets like stablecoins on the most decentralized and secure blockchain
The problem is that in the case of a fork stablecoin issuers get to weigh in or even pick a winner. Ethereum is there already:
stablecoin issuers in control
Curve Finance: Yes, they are in control of Ethereum, essentially
Do you think LN devs should really go through with Taro?
Taro’s not something I’m that interested in personally.
Having not looked into it too deeply it does look pretty quarantined away from the main protocol for what that’s worth.
Asset issuing has been a thing on the Bitcoin blockchain for ages (Counterparty being one example). It's not new.
Yes and this is bad. It turned out not to be a problem only because nobody used it.