Once in Uzbekistan I paid for a mail with 20 friends in the local currency. All paper bills. It look like a mafia drug money hall. Hilarious.
I've often thought that when prices increase due to groups able to front run resources due to easy money that scarcity of currency is still created because people need more for basic things. Bitcoin exchange is just a headache and saving is not idealistic because that just means you've provided an easy attack vector by piling up fiat.
It's crazy. Any tools that make bitcoin exchange easy end up getting also front-run by the fiat fat machine. I used to think lightning would be like subnetting in TCP/IP but I don't really see that happening. My theory is that shitcoiners are using shitcoins to to cheaply circumnavigate all systems while settling large items in Bitcoin.
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it took a long time to get us into this situation of fuckery, and it's gonna take a while to get us out.
Historically it makes sense to me. Liquidity is "easy money" but we sure have to do a lot of work to keep it moving. Meaning we spend less time actually doing what humans need to have done. Or do we? Maybe it is all an illness. It's a mass psychosis.
Because all of this encourages gambling I think it makes it even worse.