For me it's always been about how can I reach my absolute pinnacle of athleticism. I think everyone would benefit from finding an athletic activity or sport that challenges them to progressively reach new levels within their physical and mental capacity. And keep track of your progress over the course of years. The last four years I spent training my sprint speed, and I have gone from sprinting at a top speed of 18 mph to 20mph, and I am confident I will crack above 20mph soon enough. Thus, every time I hit a certain target or milestone, I am further motivated to continue my progress. And to engage in something like sprinting fast, it is a constant learning experience and also very humbling experience as it reminds you day in day out that you are only human, not some super robot. But at the same time, it's such an amazing feeling to see yourself progress over time because it becomes your proof of work, and when you conquer these feats you feel that much more empowered and confident to take on the next challenge in life.
feeling to see yourself progress over time Love that, as a runner also I completely agree with the feeling. I always am trying to find ways to improve (no matter how small). Difference is I'm in long distance running, but day after day of practice - the results become marginally improved!