I appreciate the thoughtful response. Thank you. I do greatly admire Jesus and his teachings. I could certainly spend more time studying them, my path has led me a different way
I find having a consistent practice is necessary to strengthen my faith and provide guidance when I am feeling weak - for me, this living a yogic lifestyle. Like I mentioned above, this can look so many different ways and this is just through my main focus that is interpreting Sanskrit texts.
I believe contemplating Jesus and his teachings is another path towards union. Just as you said: “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me”.. he is asking us to join our souls to the universal soul of God, isn’t he?
I think where we differ in opinion is that I believe God’s teachings have appeared in many faces throughout the world. Language is slippery and so we separate these teachings and corrupt them with each retelling. At the core of the matter, I think we are speaking of the same aspirations