Deaths in the Middle East and deaths from violence targeting civilians have also been common.
Many people live in countries that have been free from conflict for decades and have lived relatively safe lives as a result. But people in other countries have endured large-scale and long-term conflict. In countries like Syria, hundreds of thousands have died from conflict over recent decades, and millions more have been displaced.
People also experience very different types of conflict. Ukrainians endure a war with another country, Russia. Ethiopians suffer from conflicts between their government and rebel groups. Mexicans are caught between non-state armed groups while their government is absent. And Rwandans became the target of their government and non-state armed groups in the 1994 genocide.
To reduce the deaths and suffering caused by armed conflicts, we need to understand these differences. In this article, I explore where people died in armed conflicts between 1989 and 2022, and what fighting this entailed.

How do conflict deaths differ by world region and conflict type?

How do conflict types differ across world regions?

Understanding conflict patterns can help us make conflicts less common and deadly