Unlike my post from yesterday, in this one I want to share a series of photos focused on the people I saw while photographing the fog.
It is important to note that this natural fog is caused by clouds, so it does not represent any health risk. The temperature in these conditions is usually around 16-18 degrees Celsius (61-64 degrees Fahrenheit), which means it is a fairly pleasant cold, so people go out and do their daily lives as normal.
I love going out to take pictures in these conditions because it gives off a very cool mysterious vibe, so as soon as I see the fog I run outside to take pictures because I know that in most cases it only lasts for about 30 minutes.
Just like me, I also saw a couple of people with their phones in hand taking pictures of the fog, it's quite a spectacle! This is the weather we love most about this city.
Everyday life in these conditions simply looks "different".
People were sheltering themselves with coats or umbrellas from the "cold", yes, for us 16 degrees is cold haha
I hope you enjoyed these photos as much as I did, it's quite a spectacle to take pictures in these conditions!
Thank you for watching!
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These are really great shots! Though as a pedestrian, I'd probably be upset with you taking my picture :D
I would feel the same 🙊
In my native country Venezuela, I am from a small town called Nirgua, we would say in the south center of the country... and there the fog occurs every morning in times of rain... when I took my vacations I got up very early and went jogging up the mountain and you couldn't see the streets or the people because of so much fog... for me it was very pleasant and at the same time I took care of my health by exercising 👍
Amazing shots! The person who is holding an umbrella is me!!! 😅