After I get done crying, I guess I'd probably begin taking my privacy and bitcoin-related identity more seriously. I'd probably also begin working on helping subvert the implications of such bans.
It's hard to imagine what I'd do without having a good grip on how a ban would be implemented. Would they knock on my door and demand bitcoin? Would they believe me when I show them photos of my routine boating accidents?
We would start having boating meetups
After I get done crying, I guess I'd
Would they knock on my door and demand bitcoin?
That's what I expect.
Would they believe me when I show them photos of my routine boating accidents?
Worst case scenario is like when Iranian regime accuses journalists of running a Twitter account. The journalists could easily proof that they do run an account but it's very hard to disprove that they run an account.
I do not hide my legal coins and never mix with my second Bitcoin identity. I advice everyone I tell about Bitcoin to do the same from the very beginning. That's not an additional step for enthusiasts, it's the whole point of Bitcoin.