Based on the information provided, my opinion is that India is indeed experiencing a concerning trend towards increased economic inequality. While the country has made significant economic progress overall, the benefits of this growth appear to be disproportionately concentrated among the wealthy elite. The stark contrast between lavish celebrations attended by global billionaires and the struggles of the average citizen highlights this disparity. The "K-shaped" recovery mentioned in the text, where the rich continue to prosper while the poor face ongoing hardships, is particularly troubling. However, it's important to note that this situation is not necessarily permanent or inevitable. Many developing economies face similar challenges as they grow rapidly. The key will be whether India can implement policies and reforms that promote more inclusive growth, improve income distribution, and provide better opportunities for the broader population. While the current trend is concerning, India's democratic system and vibrant civil society provide avenues for addressing these issues. The country has the potential to course-correct and work towards more equitable development. However, this will require concerted efforts from policymakers, businesses, and civil society to ensure that economic growth translates into improved living standards for all segments of the population, not just the elite