Trump's campaign has consistently advocated for slashing taxes and imposing tariffs on China and Europe, both of which were his signature economic policies when he was last in office.
I don't believe they are quoting Cuban here but I want to point out that tariffs are taxes and they do affect consumer prices on goods. Trump put them in place and correct me if I'm wrong Biden didn't remove them.
I fail to see how tax cuts increase (price) inflation. Specifically if we are talking about corporate taxes.
Modern monetary theory says tax cuts are inflationary and tax increases fight inflation
Dumb theory, intellectual dishonesty and fraud
Yeah, I'm aware. I don't think this writer is steeped in MMT though. They could be but I doubt it.
Probably not but economic illiteracy and MMT are connected
Hard to distingish between shades of ignorance
Yeah, that's fair. MMT is really appealing to indoctrinated progressives that aren't educated in economic theory. I think it has a lot in common with the prosperity gospel apostasy in Christianity.