This was before we took our Sybil fee so people were self-zapping a lot.
What was the benefit of self zapping back then? Did SN pay out daily rewards? and even if you did it couldn't be much.
116 sats \ 2 replies \ @k00b 18 Jul
Rewards weren't introduce until about a year in I think. A lot of it was "look what I can do, i've outsmarted k00b."
The fees decision was due to self zapping?
55 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 18 Jul
Yes, that's the only reason we take a zap fee. It's probably still too low though tbh.
10% as it stands is good enough, imo. You can increase it by 1 or two percent but increasing it by 100% or 200% won't be a great idea.
Should we call it Zapperbation?