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When Donald Trump won the election the first time I was shocked. I hated it. I was a gas lit metropolitan patriot. About 6 months later I had to do a security check in a Navy Base office and I noticed that the chain of command on the wall was all Obama administration people. Donald J. Trump had already been sworn in and was a very active president that I definitely did not like. Yet, as a former military man, I could not help to think that this office was in the wrong and that they definitely did not respect the current president. A year later for another job the office still had not changed the chain of command.
As a regular viewer of the mass media or as we call them in No Agenda, the M5M, I was continually bombarded with why Donald Trump was so stupid. I agreed. I had grown up in the reactionary 1980s against Ronald Reagan, and Bush. I worked with a lot of small business owners who loved Trump. I could not understand why.
When the January 6 incident happened in 2021 I was already heavily Orange Pilled. I no longer believed that the United States Government was for me. I believed it was a against me and my family and I realized that Trump supporters believed the same thing, mostly. When Donald Trump was censured by all of the Social Media conglomerates I had a moment of clarity. No matter how much I disliked him he should not be censured.
For the term of the Biden presidency I could tell that not only was the deep state a real thing but that there was an overt attack against the United States people. Even when I did research on things I would find that the truth was there, not hard to find and that I was just riding the coat tails of the M5M. The Scamdemic also helped me to recover from the mass psychosis.
It's still going on but to be quite honest it is nothing new. It's just new to me.
I'm very disappointed that Donald Trump was shot at. I'm not shocked, though. It should not have happened at all. Donald Trump was set up for failure. Biden is also getting set up for failure. We are watching an invisible hand moment. I must admit that I am more of a fan of DJT than I ever was. Unfortunately DJT will choose the wrong people to be around him and he will also choose the right people. It is what it is.
I love the United States. It's my home. I love the people here. I hope that our government can get reduced from the massive shitshow it is. I wasn't going to vote because I think it's bullshit but now I am. I will cast a ballot for Trump. I will support him. My support wont be mindless but it will be based on my faith. Donald T. was lucky. I think that it was an act of providence. Me and God are quite close.
The United States can definitely recover from this nonsense. There needs to be a vision and plan without central planning. We need an unplan. We need to allow freedom, life liberty and property to flourish.
Thank you for your courage. And please check out No Agenda where we deconstruct the game against humanity.
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Funny, when Nancy Pelosi's husband was attacked the right wing politicians, along with Don Jr. mocked him and made fun of the whole thing. But when Trump gets shot at no one is allowed to make jokes? Notice the difference though, not one high ranking elected Democrat has done anything but condemn the violence against Trump and call for unity. This is where the two parties differ immensely.
I hope you dive deeper into the Nancy Pelosi husband attack because he was not a former president of the US. Secret Service failed in this and the a Nancy Pelosi husband was courting a John.
You're an idiot if you believe that. That's why the guy was sentenced to prison right? Even if your conspiracy is true, that excuses the political violence? You right wingers are nothing but hypocrites. Go fuck off and die.
Go fuck off and die In one paragraph you have succeeded in condemning and also condoning violence. I will die one day. All of us will. You are a very angry young man. Exactly the type of person who is an easy patsy. You are getting played.
This is true but Dharma rules the Honey Badger and that's my focus here.
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @fm 18 Jul 2024
Amen! Amen! Amen! Had to be a little freeing to have written this! There are many more with your story.
Thank you. I wanted to dive a bit deeper but my house is a little busy so I did not focus well at the time.