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Funny, when Nancy Pelosi's husband was attacked the right wing politicians, along with Don Jr. mocked him and made fun of the whole thing. But when Trump gets shot at no one is allowed to make jokes? Notice the difference though, not one high ranking elected Democrat has done anything but condemn the violence against Trump and call for unity. This is where the two parties differ immensely.
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I hope you dive deeper into the Nancy Pelosi husband attack because he was not a former president of the US. Secret Service failed in this and the a Nancy Pelosi husband was courting a John.
You're an idiot if you believe that. That's why the guy was sentenced to prison right? Even if your conspiracy is true, that excuses the political violence? You right wingers are nothing but hypocrites. Go fuck off and die.
Go fuck off and die In one paragraph you have succeeded in condemning and also condoning violence. I will die one day. All of us will. You are a very angry young man. Exactly the type of person who is an easy patsy. You are getting played.