I understand is a delicate topic, but as many other taboos, I think it should openly discuss and criticized. Unfortunately today systems, globally, support and make use of these type of activities. An eye opening view!

What were the results of the experimentation and practice of social engineering and mind control during the Cold War? When Project Paperclip was ushered into the United States, coinciding with the inception of the CIA and the National Security Act, Nazi research and trauma based mind control experiments were brought to the US, initiating Project MK ULTRA. These secret projects were funded through arms deals, drug operations, human trafficking and human slavery. The ultimate goal behind this hidden agenda was to implement mind control deeply within our government, education, healthcare and media to create compliance in the new world regime. TRANCE weaves Cathy O’Brien’s experience as one of the surviving victims of MK Ultra and Project Monarch, into the macrocosm of past world events, and the agenda currently unfolding.
About TRANCE Documentary Cathy O’Brien was sold into the Project Monarch, one of the 149 known sub-projects of the CIA’S MK ULTRA Experiments that began in 1953. These secret programs were initiated by governing jurisdictions in an effort to understand and utilize mind control to further another agenda. Being a victim of the elite’s Monarch Program, as a slave Cathy was exposed to many world leaders at the national and international levels.
Through her rescue and healing process, she was able to reclaim the memories of what she witnessed while under mind control. Her story provides insight into how we’ve been controlled and how to reclaim personal and collective sovereignty.
This is her story. This is our story.
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This goes back way further into people like Rousseau, or peeps like the neo-marxists of today. Jean-Jacques Rousseau's social experiment, based on his ideas of natural human goodness and living in harmony, failed because people did not always act in the idealistic way he envisioned. Human nature, societal pressures, and personal interests often conflicted with his utopian ideals, making his vision impractical and unrealistic in real-world settings. The “machine” on the left will always try and become God’s. The people must stand against there utilitarian policies and worldviews! Good article
Thanks for the reference, The name sound familiar but never knew about this book he wrote. Did he practice IRL too? Look's like he explored the extremes, I'll probably need to read his book Emile, or On Education to know more.