I often come here to keep in touch with the bitcoin community. For me this platform offers the 'boots on the ground' insights to help keep me informed about what is going on in the bitcoin space. I often use some of the stories I find here and publish them in my monthly magazine Bitesize Bitcoin. Which is in it's infancy - we will publish the 4th instalment on 5th August.
I was wondering if any of you have a project you wish to talk about or can recommended a project that is worth sharing. This can be anything to do with the culture - I'm not limiting it. For example I found a cool story yesterday about YouTube censoring firearms content creators and how it can be helped using Bitcoin and Nostr.
My idea behind the magazine is to offer a publication with No Noise, Just Signal. Which means using investigative journalism to find the real stories from the real infrastructure builders. Not fiat mongering ETF shillers for example.
I'd love to hear you thoughts/ stories. Potentially get a call set up.
Thanks :)
Try contacting Maya Parbhoe on X, the Surinamese entrepreneur and Bitcoiner running for office on a Pro Bitcoin, Anti corruption platform - there was a good post here recently concerning this - #611795
Ask her more about the political campaign she is running, and how it's going - what's her approval ratings, voting demographics etc , and also who's working with her in Bitcoin space to Bitcoinise Suriname - i know from previous interviews she was looking to raise awareness for her project so it could be useful to her to get the message out to the wider world, both Bitcoin and beyond.
Awesome, i'll check it out thanks for this!
Coincidence, I was going to suggest exactly this subject.
You can find many good articles in about Bitcoin in ~bitcoin territory. Just put a filter of top posts and directly ask Stackers if they would like to get their article published in a magazine.
Ah, didn't realise. Thanks for the heads up
So to distill the subject, by "project" you mean "adoption" and "use-cases", mostly, right? Rather than nitty-gritty level dev stuff, right?
Sure - adoption and use cases fit into the criteria. Although, if you check the mags previous issues, I've added both the use cases and dev level stuff because both are just as important as the other IMO. DO you have something in mind? sean@bitesizebitcoin.xyz is the best place to catch me if you wanna talk more because I don't get notifications for SN in my browser.
I do! Will reach out to you once it's done 👌
Look forward to it.
The magazine is now live! Thanks to all of you who contributed to this post initially. Inside the mag we have had some article contributions from writers who have done it for free - so if you see anything you like - if you can offer a gesture of appreciation that would be awesome.
Wow - this made it to SN Newsletter which is pretty cool! Thanks everybody for your input - I love this community.
What are the benefits of writeing story
Good question, the benefits include offering 'signal' to the bitcoin space as opposed to the 'noise' the other publications like Bitcoin Magazine are putting out. For example they are focusing a lot on ETF's and politics atm, which takes the light off what Bitcoiners are truly trying to achieve. Another reason would be to grow your own personal brand. And its a net positive for our magazine, the stories and the community are what makes it. Nothing more, nothing less.
What are the benifits of writing for your magazine?
I just responded to a similar comment, perhaps take a look at that. If you wish to talk more I'm happy too!
A very interesting topic is Bitcoin and human rights. @anitaposh could be a good person to ask about it.
Sure, I'd be happy to either speak on here or book a call some time.
real stories from the real infrastructure builders.
So you only want stories about some pleb stuff!
Pleb stuff is definitely a target we want to focus on. Them and new comers to the space, who have probably found Bitcoin through the ETF maybe. Do you have a project in mind?
Thanks for your info
No problem!
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