... or you could just read the man pages of bitcoin-cli :-) Personally I use as a quick search engine (e.g. what's the diff btwn x and y) or to get an inspiration/reference about something I don't know much about. Tech stuff and codes are full of errors, so never, ever cut and paste from there. Use it as an idea and investigate, it does help if used right. It is a quick reference and might (and does) points you in the right direction. Same with copilot for coding, it helps with syntax and gives you an idea what function/module to use. It is a tool use it wisely.
... or you could just read the man pages of bitcoin-cli :-)
Next thing you're gonna ask me to read my old Fortran 77 manuals instead of asking ChatGPT~~
Yeah, I'm sorry I don't know what was I thinking... Funny thing you mention fortran manuals, the people who read them, they probably wrote some LLMs for the chatGPT :-)