Things that sometimes bother me with native ChatGPT:
  • no search (mentioned before, you solved it)
  • it doesn't always read the pdf i upload at the same time of asking a question unless i explicitly prompt it to do so (not sure if you could automatically add this instruction when making the API call)
  • interrupting chatgpt in the middle of their answer to a nonsensical question where i pressed enter too fast sometimes messes up the whole thing (not sure if you could somehow reset it to the previous message before the mistake...)
  • can you have a save button where i can store the prompts i use over and over, like when i use it for code, i often say "answer with full code" or "just highlight the relevant change rather than outputting the whole routine", etc... would be nice if this could be automatic when i start a code session... And then different default prompts when i do a grant writing session...
  • pdf uploading problem yea I'm sure they'll fix that eventually. Ours works well but we do have users find bugs from time to time.
  • I think you can fix that by just hitting the edit button in chatgpt to re-enter the bad prompt you gave it. If you do it that way it shouldn't mess up the whole convo.
  • We have prompts on PPQ... if you click on arrow top right of screen you can create and save a prompt. Then on future queries you just hit the "/" key to bring up whatever prompt you want to use.
Ah good to know about the prompts, thanks. Especially if it uses a little vi syntax for search :)