If you dive into the literature on this, it gets really complicated, really fast. That's one reason why simple crude measures are used. PPP is pretty unambiguously an improvement from just doing exchange rate conversions.
Once you try to go deeper than that, there's a ton of stuff you have to take account of and some of it is unknowable (like people's actual preference differences internationally).
If you make any headway, I'll be super interested in hearing about your methodology.
I'm thinking about building a basket of goods that roughly applies to me and then doing some research on local prices around the world.
I get that doing this research on the PPP scale is a very large task but what I'm interested in seems doable.
CPI basket of goods lol
I like that. This is a much more tractable question at the individual level than the aggregate.
I've thought of doing something similar with all the different US tax rates. I want to have a tool where you can input your personal details and get a granular map of what your tax burden would be in every single place in America.
Combining the local price data with local salary data would give you a usable cost of living comparison.