I've installed and tried this software and has been a really smooth!
After registering to the website and checkout, you receive an email providing more details on how to install the software on a docker container or locally, just with a single line of code!
Unfortunately, the code is not open source, but the design and experience to write and publish it's pretty simple and intuitive. However, someone published the code on github, not sure which version is it but look's pretty recent.
The only downside of this is that I'm personally missing a payment method or a paywall in case V4V is not understood by the author, and also a way to export the books into printable or digital format.
What's your thoughts? How you'd implement a payment method (to download - pdf, epub,...) or a paywall (to access) the published books?
oh this looks awesome, will be checking it out. Curious about Campfire, too
Definitely worth taking a look, also check 37signals, they have pretty good values
Campfire was discontinued!