Doing a quick query
Total Foreign-Owned Debt
As of January 2023, foreign countries own approximately $7.4 trillion in US Treasury securities, which represents around 24% of the total US debt, being Japan and China the top 2 with over 20% of that pie
Domestic Holders
The remaining 76% of the US debt is held by domestic entities, including:
Federal Reserve: $2.3 trillion
Social Security Trust Funds: $2.8 trillion
Medicare Trust Funds: $1.1 trillion
Other government accounts: $1.4 trillion
Private investors (individuals, banks, pension funds, etc.): $10.4 trillion
How much is that debt?
The gross federal debt surpassed $34 trillion, which includes both debt held by the public, approximately $26.9 trillion, and debt held by federal trust funds and other government accounts, which is around $7.1 trillion.
How fast is growing?
It has been growing rapidly, increasing by $1 trillion every 100 days since June 2023.
How bad it is?
We can use the financial KPI ’debt to GDP ' ratio, currently is 99%!, this is the highest since WWII, so we can conclude it is really bad. And the printing will continue non stop , more over on an election year, hence, the debt will continue to growth steady.
How does Bitcoin fix this?
Going back to a model like the gold standard but with Bitcoin, it has been hinted already and proposed by many, one of the presidential candidates seems to be considering it, a light at the end of the tunnel.