What I am struggling to understand with housing (it has always perplexed me), is how do we have so many homeless people in this country, when vacant properties?!
With 2.3M vacant homes in the U.S. and 550K homeless people, every homeless person can get four homes. Why do we have a homeless problem in this country. This gets me heated - everyone should be able to have a home, but due to the manipulation of money, things are propped out to leave countless people out of getting a place.
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The vacant homes are in rural places in flyover states. The places where demand dwarfs supply are cities. Homeless people primary problem is money to survive - which is easier to get in cities.
If you could magically house all homeless people in these homes, the owners wouldn't see a dime in rent and the previously homeless would starve without income for food.
This is a good point, but I think there could be a better pathway. For example I live in a 1 bed 1 bath condo, and my rent is $1100 a month in South Scottsdale.
I have the money and capabilities to move up in housing to a 3 bed 2 bath house, but I don't because valuations are inflated and interest rates are neck snapping. When I don't move up in housing, someone lower in the totem pole can't move into my 1 bed 1 bath.
People being locked into their situations is what in my opinion can contribute towards a bad pathway for getting a place to live in.