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This is awesome. All gov code will be open source which will likely lead them to use more open source themselves.
“Public money. Public code.” is the slogan
The EMBAG law stipulates that all public bodies must disclose the source code of software developed by or for them, unless precluded by third-party rights or security concerns. This mandate aims to ensure greater transparency, security, and efficiency in government operations by promoting the use of OSS, which allows for public scrutiny and contribution to the software code​​.
One of the critical aspects of this law is encapsulated in Article 9, which not only mandates the disclosure of source code but also allows public bodies to offer additional services related to support, integration, or IT security, provided these services align with public tasks and are offered at a cost-covering remuneration. This provision ensures that while fostering OSS, the government can also maintain a competitive balance and avoid market distortion​​.
I guess that open sourcing interfaces and data exchange formats will reduce vendor locking.
Further it may demonstrate incompetence (and corruption) within their software suppliers.
which will likely lead them to use more open source themselves.
ahah. You'll see so many spaghetti code applications with Java 8 and Angular 5 for mundane buraucracy tasks that would have been better off with using Jira lol
At first! I think they’ll attract better engineers and be pulled to modern systems.
Bugzilla and Godzilla
So if they are running window$ and M$-Office, does that mean window$ and M$-Office need to be open sourced?
does it mean they will use Linux on all public services computers? probably not! I wonder where the code will be hosted...
This is very interesting. I hope they dont have the hackers ruin this in any way.
Hi what's up
This is incredible!
Amazing news! Switzerland is my favourite country! I love this!
It's a huge huge success for FOSS movement! A government so big as Switzerland making all gove code open source will lead as an example for other nations!
"Public money, public code" is a great slogan to start with!
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