The things Dems dislike about Harris are things independents and non-Trump Republicans will like - Prosecutor whose tough on crime, etc. Witmer will also do well with those voters and they are the ones that matter. Not the partisan left or right. Witmer also had a kidnap attent to play up to during a campaign. People forget about that.
All the noise is coming from the partisans. But the election will be decided by those not making noise.
this territory is moderated
Whitmer's kidnap attempt is widely recognized as an FBI hoax, by people on the right. It's the main reason I consider her such a preposterous candidate. She was also amongst the most extreme lockdown governors. I don't see any appeal of these two for people on the right.
You're right that partisans don't matter, but I ran this ticket past my wife and her visceral reaction was quite negative. She's exactly the kind of white suburban woman they're supposed to appeal to.
Sir, I don't know your wife, but if she is representative like you say, what she says openly to a right leaning spouse and what she does in the privacy of the voting booth may not be the same thing.
Yeah, you don't know her. We speak very openly and I'm not particularly right-leaning.
Where you may have a good point is that she likely would vote for that ticket over Trump/Vance, despite not liking it. When Trump got elected he had lower favorability than Clinton, so that's not the whole story. They don't need people to like it, they just need people to vote for it.
Whitmer would not accept Kamala offer anyway
That's an interesting element to this. It sounds like she and Newsome are not really interested in being the sacrificial lambs this cycle, anyway.
My guess is that it will be either the PA or KY governor.
Gavin can't join Kamala because then you have double California
double female vs double CA?
This is an easy fix. All he has to do is move and register to vote in another state. Maybe a bit more, but not much more than that.
Gavin would have to step down as governor to do that, which seems like a bad political gamble.
I think Americans would find double CA more off-putting.
Biden drops out
PA helps, but KY does not.
Maybe not directly, but I think that sort of connection to the Rust Belt might help.
But it needs to be a Rust Belt state with more Electoral College votes and is in play. PA is right on, as is MI.
Why not?