Should I not take help? I believe that with the help of AI I can create good content. The ideas and the concept behind this post is completely mine. Yes I do agree I took help from AI to make it more effective and engaging.
Is it wrong?
I personally don't like people posting AI content pretending it's 100% their own work when it's 6% their work. It's deceitful.
If people want to give you sats for work that isn't yours, that you're happy to pretend is, that's their prerogative.
Okay next time I will be careful. Thanks for your guidance. I will definitely pursue your advice. I know this will help me improve my writing skills.
If people want to give you sats for work that isn't yours, that you're happy to pretend is, that's their prerogative.
Don't take my question wrong. Just want to ask something. I am new here so I want to know that some people here uploads link only, is it not the content of someone else's? they also get some sats. I took help from AI I agree but the idea was completely mine.
14 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 21 Jul
When they post a link, we know the work isn't theirs. It's honest.
Sharing AI content, pretending that you wrote it, is dishonest imo.
Okay I got it.