"Creating" money is very profitable!
As is seen by the above, money is very cheap to make, and whoever does the “creating” of money in a nation can make a tremendous profit! Builders work hard to make a profit of 5% above their cost to build a house.
Auto makers sell their cars for 1% to 2% above the cost of manufacture and it is considered good business. But money “manufacturers” have no limit on their profits, since s few cents will print a $1 bill or a $10,000 bill.
That profit is part of our story, but first let us consider another unique characteristic of the thing - money, the love of which is the “root of all evil.”
#616937 Adequate Money Supply Needed🇵🇷🇪🇻🇮🇴🇺🇸
#615901 Money is Man's Only "Creation"Billions for Bankers & Debts for the People
- by Pastor Sheldon Emry