Somehow I am unable to upvote this comment @k00b
Error message in F12 says
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at (Reason: CORS request did not succeed).
It works fine for other comments under this post
They broke their account by self-tipping so much his "stacked" count won't fit in a 4 byte signed integer. I'll fix it eventually but might not until I find a way to punish that kind of stuff.
they broke their account
Sounds like a punishment to me. :')
Sorry about that. I was practicing using lightning addresses with different wallets and didn't realize it was going to my displayed stack. Won't happen again.
Lightning address payments don't go toward your stacked count. It's only content tipping and daily rewards.
Still, all good. We'll just have to start taking a cut of tips or something.
Yea, I noticed there were usually zero routing fees sending between lightning addresses, and only about 10-40 sats when sending to an external lightning wallet.