By Ryan McMaken
June's job numbers show job growth over the past year has been overwhelmingly in part time jobs, as full-time work and the total number of employed workers has stagnated.
Except that in California nobody hires anyone because of the minimum wage increase. Don’t believe what Newscum says. Business are going user everywhere at least on the west coast
It's also almost impossible to fire anyone in CA, which makes employers hesitant to hire.
government employment is almost 25%, probably around 23% (eyeballing the graph)
Historically, whenever this measure reaches above twenty percent for several months in a row, a recession is on the way.
That makes sense
Plus inverted yield curve
Lots of signs
According to prominent “leader”…Boe Jiden, we’ve made lots of progress over the last few years. “Listen man, just look at my record”.
We are moron. The graph above proves you’re wrong! Glad to see people are taking a second look, rather than just believing them. Don’t trust, but verify. A principal we should continue to live by in these days!
He made an amazing statement about how all the economists were warning that if he pursued his agenda there would be record inflation and skyrocketing debt. Yeah, dude, we were clearly right about that.
Somehow, he thought it would help him to point that out.
I didnt realize how hard it was to switch jobs. In the USA, it takes about 2 months. For them to process your application, interview, background check... No wonder we suffer in production.