He is going to be super mad when he finds out he could have just saved in bitcoin.
Bitcoin needs a catchy acronym that a lifestyle brand can be built around though.
Does it? Either everyone knows about it, and no one uses anything else, or it is still early and many people do not use. Tautologically, not everyone can enjoy the same degree of number go up -- only when fiat is dead does the theft end. Only when fiat is dead will the true value of bitcoin start to come into effect. Only a small minority will become rich from bitcoin, it is the death of fiat that is imperative.
The greatest challenge is how to not to make it sound like a pyramidal scheme cliché. Even "financial freedom" has been tarnished by scammers. "Digital Gold" might be the best so far?
Did the article say that he just saved in cash? I would think that he invested it. As long as he doesnt cash out, it will work out in the end.
He must have been just saving cash. 100M/21years = 4.7M/year which would make sense based on the lifestyle he described.